Wednesday, 21 February 2018


2012年9月14日,美联储在结束为期两天的9月利率会议后宣布:0-0.25%的超低利率的维持期限将延长到2015年中,将从9月14日开始推出进一步量化宽松政策 (QE3),按每月400亿美元的进度进一步购买机构抵押贷款支持债券(MBS),现有扭曲操作(OT)等维持不变。此消息一出金融市场涨声一片。
近来坊间较为流行的言论是:QE3对中国经济利大于弊。但值得强调的是,世异时移,QE3和之前量化宽松政策最大的区别正在于,前两轮QE的影响已 沉淀,这实际上改变了第三轮QE产生作用的经济环境和物质基础。因此,结合当前国际国内经济金融形势,QE3对中国的影响未必利大于弊。
QE3 (September 2012 - October 2014)
On September 13, 2012, the Fed announced QE3. It agreed to buy $40 billion in MBS, and continue Operation Twist, adding a total $85 billion of liquidity a month. The Fed did three other things it had never done before:
1.    Announced it would keep the Fed funds rate at zero until 2015.
2.    Said it would keep purchasing securities until jobs improved "substantially."
3.    Acted to boost the economy, not just avoid a contraction.

QE4 (January 2013 - October 2014)
In December 2012, the Fed announced it would buy a total of $85 billion in long-term Treasurys and MBS. It ended Operation Twist, instead just rolling over the short-term bills. It clarified its direction by promising to keep purchasing securities until one of two conditions were met.  Either unemployment would fall below 6.5 percent or inflation would rise above 2.5 percent. Since QE4 is really just an extension of QE3, some people still refer to it as QE3. Others call it "QE Infinity" because it didn't have a definite end date.

The End of QE
On  December 18, 2013, the FOMC announced it would begin tapering its purchases, as its three economic targets were being met. 
1.    The unemployment rate was at 7 percent. 
2.    GDP growth was between 2 and 3 percent.
3.    The core inflation rate hadn't exceeded 2 percent.

The FOMC would keep the fed funds rate and the discount rate between zero and one-quarter points until 2015, and below 2 percent through 2016. 
Sure enough, on October 29, 2014, the FOMC announced it had made its final purchase. Its holdings of securities had doubled from $2.1 trillion to $4.5 trillion. It would continue to replace these securities as they came due to maintain its holdings at those levels.
On June 14, 2017, the FOMC announced how it will begin reducing its QE holdings. It will allow $6 billion of Treasurys to mature each month without replacing them. Each following month it will allow another $6 billion to mature until it's retiring $30 billion a month. The Fed will follow a similar process with its holdings of mortgage-backed securities. It will retire an additional $4 billion a month until it reaches a plateau of $20 billion a month being retired. This change won't occur until the fed funds rate reaches 2 percent. 

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