Saturday, 29 April 2017

2.高产尼品 [Kossan Rubber 7153]


5)美国FDA建议禁止使用powered medical gloves。但是,对Kossan影响不大,因为只有少量出口到美国。

  1. 专利技术Low Derma Technology的合成手套。高产尼品工业是全球首家大马手套制造商获美国食品和药物管理局颁布“最少机会引发皮肤炎”(Low Dermatitis Potential)的手套认证,採用Low Derma Tech技术的自家品牌“CHEMAX 7th Sense”手套。丁腈手套近期使用量增加,导致更多患有第一型和第四型过敏反应(Type I & IV hypersensitivity)的手套穿戴者引发健康问题,像是发炎、皮疹和起水泡等。高产尼品工业的Low Derma Technology是用来对抗丁腈手套穿戴者所引发的第四型过敏反应。高产尼品工业耗资200万令吉研发Low Derma Technology,此技术确保丁腈手套制造过程不使用化学促进剂,取而代之的是硫化橡胶时採用交叉混合方法。2016年9月1日面世。
  2. 201511月,15,可生产220亿只手套全球需求,2120亿只手套/212 billion pieces。厂房使用率80丁腈(nitrile)和天然胶乳手套产量,分别占总产量的70%30%。出口到美国,欧元区,日本和韩国。营业利润为RM184.02 million,较去年同期下降29.3%。 较低的盈利业绩主要是由于营运状况不佳,其中包括生产成本升级,原材料成本上涨和全行业价格压力持续上涨。In Q2 and Q3 FY2016, it had experienced a higher average cost per unit of output owing to scheduled upgrading of old production lines, completed in Q4 and conversion of biomass fuel to natural gas in 2 plants, commerced in Q2. 
Technical Rubber Products (“TRP”) Division
  1. Manufacturing capacity at 10,000 metric tonnes per annum.
  2. 厂房使用率70-80%.
  3. Operating profit, RM30.64 million, an increase of 150.66% from the preceding year. 

Cleanroom Division
  1. Cleanroom products include face masks, gloves and wipes that are mainly used in the electrical and electronic industries.
  2. The Dongguan plant in China is solely responsible for cleaning process on gloves produced in Malaysia.
  3. Operating profit was recorded at RM2.658 million compared with RM5.152 million previously. 

  1. 2016年6月15日与上海同济大学(Shanghai Tongji University)(TVMC) 签订协议(MoA),联手为中国沿铁路的轨道、建筑和桥梁设计和制造防振系统。股价RM6.49。2016年6月30日时宣布MoA取消。但Kossan 2016年度报告仍然提到这MoA,没提MoA取消。
  2. Kossan via Doshin had on 27 September, 2016 entered into a Collaboration Agreement (“Agreement”) with MRB for development of rubber product based on specialty rubber and other rubber for civil engineering and construction for commercial evaluation for 3 years. 

  1. New plant at Jalan Meru can produce 3.0 billion pieces of nitrile glove per annum. New plant only contributed to revenue in Q3 FY2017. 2 new plants with capacity of 4.5 billion pieces of nitrile glove constructed in Q1FY2017 with target to commence in the Q2 and Q4 FY2018. Plant expansion at Bestari Jaya in 4 phases, each phase with capacity of 4.5 billion pieces of glove. The expansion will be commence from 2019 to 2023. 
  2. New R&D centre will be commenced in Q4 FY2017。15-20% plant capacity is dedicated for Low Derma Nitrile glove. 

Kossan Substantial Share holders based on Annual Report 2016:
  1. Kossan Holding 51.06%
  2. EPF 11.2%
Total share: 639,467,904


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