Monday, 7 November 2022


马来西亚国家银行11月3日宣布加息25个基点,将隔夜政策利率(Overnight Policy Rate)从2.50%调升至2.75%。11月19日是GE15。


At its meeting today, the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of Bank Negara Malaysia decided to increase the Overnight Policy Rate (OPR) by 25 basis points to 2.75 percent. The ceiling and floor rates of the corridor of the OPR are correspondingly increased to 3.00 percent and 2.50 percent, respectively.

The global economy continues to be weighed down by rising cost pressures, tighter global financial conditions, and strict containment measures in China. These factors more than offset the support from positive labour market conditions, and the full reopening of most economies and international borders. Inflationary pressures were more persistent than expected due to strong demand, tight labour markets, and elevated commodity prices, despite improvements in global supply chain conditions. Consequently, many central banks are expected to continue raising interest rates to manage inflationary pressures. In particular, continued aggressive adjustments in US interest rates and expectations of a higher terminal rate in the US, have contributed to a persistently strong US dollar environment. This has resulted in higher volatility in financial markets, affecting other major and emerging market currencies, including the ringgit. Going forward, the global growth outlook will continue to face headwinds from tighter financial conditions amid elevated inflation in major economies and the domestic challenges in China. The growth outlook remains subject to downside risks, including escalation of geopolitical tensions, worsening of domestic headwinds in China and potential energy rationing in Europe.

For the Malaysian economy, latest indicators show that economic activity strengthened further in the third quarter, driven primarily by robust domestic demand. Going forward, despite the challenging global environment, domestic demand will remain the key driver of growth. Household spending will continue to be underpinned by improvements in labour market conditions and income prospects. Tourist arrivals have increased following the reopening of international borders and will further lift tourism-related sectors. Investment activity and prospects will be supported by the realisation of multi-year projects. Nevertheless, external demand is expected to moderate following softening global growth. Despite bouts of heightened volatility in the global financial and foreign exchange markets, these developments are not expected to derail Malaysia's growth. Domestic liquidity remains sufficient, with continued orderly functioning of the financial and foreign exchange markets. Financial institutions also continue to operate with strong capital and liquidity buffers. These will ensure financial intermediation remains supportive of the economy. Downside risks to the domestic economy continue to stem from a weaker-than-expected global growth, higher risk aversion in global financial markets amid more aggressive monetary policy tightening in major economies, further escalation of geopolitical conflicts, and worsening supply chain disruptions.

In line with earlier assessments, headline inflation is likely to have peaked in 3Q 2022 and is expected to moderate thereafter, albeit remaining elevated. Underlying inflation, as measured by core inflation, is projected to average closer to the upper end of the 2.0% - 3.0% forecast range in 2022, having averaged 2.7% year-to-date, given some demand-driven price pressures amid the high-cost environment. Moving into 2023, headline and core inflation are expected to remain elevated amid both demand and cost pressures, as well as any changes to domestic policy measures. The extent of upward pressures to inflation will remain partly contained by existing price controls, subsidies, and the remaining spare capacity in the economy. The balance of risk to the inflation outlook in 2023 is tilted to the upside and continues to be subject to domestic policy measures on subsidies, as well as global commodity price developments arising mainly from the ongoing military conflict in Ukraine and prolonged supply-related disruptions.

Against the backdrop of continued positive growth prospects for the Malaysian economy, the MPC decided to further adjust the degree of monetary accommodation. The adjustment would also pre-emptively manage the risk of excessive demand on price pressures consistent with the recalibration of monetary policy settings that balances the risks to domestic inflation and sustainable growth. At the current OPR level, the stance of monetary policy remains accommodative and supportive of economic growth. The MPC is not on any pre-set course, which means that monetary policy decisions will continue to depend on evolving conditions and their implications on the overall outlook to domestic inflation and growth. Any adjustments to the monetary policy settings going forward would continue to be done in a measured and gradual manner, ensuring that monetary policy remains accommodative to support sustainable economic growth in an environment of price stability.

The meeting also approved the schedule of MPC meetings for 2023. In accordance with the Central Bank of Malaysia Act 2009, the MPC will convene six times during the year. The Monetary Policy Statement will be released at 3 p.m. on the final day of each MPC meeting.




鲍威尔的记者招待会,有发新闻演讲稿和问答题。一共有23页。哇靠,本来要抄下来,记录在这篇文章,都不可以。 现在需要读,然后列下重点。 


  1. 美联储坚决致力于降低通货膨胀,强烈承诺将压低美国通胀至2%这一目标。他认为,当前美国商品和服务领域的物价上涨压力仍然突出。
  2. 美联储要缩减资产负债表 (QT)。
  3. 美联储加息的力度和时间,会根据市场的数据决定。当通货膨胀降至2%,美联储就会放慢加息的力度。

  1. 美联储会看实际利率,以确保通货膨胀降至2%。
  2. 美联储加息需要看3方面。 第一,加息力度有多快。美国从2022年3月开始,强势加息。 第二,要加息多高?这个需要看通货膨胀是否减低至2%。第三,要在新利率保持多久。
  3. 美国的通货膨胀率,已经在过去18月,超过4%。鲍威尔没有直接回答通货膨胀是否根深蒂固。
  4. 美国房地产在疫情后,需求增加和低利率,照成房地产过热。 但是,鲍威尔认为美国房地产的房贷控制好,基本上风险不大。 
  5. 美国的失业率是3.5%,50年来的低点。 鲍威尔说,如果看到工资增加,照成通货膨胀,那么就很严重了。美联储不会让它发生。 

  • 美联储或央行会人为的插手市场。而且,这还是个长时间的动作。 
  • 如果做企业,控制好杠杆。其实,最好是有能力还清负债,然后有现金流,可以度过这个‘寒冬“。
  • 个人的话,控制好贷款。最好是有能力还清贷款,这样贷款利息增加时,没有对个人产生压力。然后,美联储认为,降低通货膨胀的方法,就是增加失业率。更多的人失业,对需求就会减低,然后降通货膨胀。所以,要有36个月的储备金,就算失业,日子还是可以过。